Operation Able Sentry: Mission A
Strike Team
Pilot | Mech |
Raven 1, Kobe Okpara | B-1 “Javelin” |
Weapons | Equipment |
Beam PL-a | Shield Scanning Pod |
Pilot | Mech |
Raven 2, Marcel Giroux | X-1 “Badger” |
Weapons | Equipment |
Machine Gun MG-5 Rockets RPG-5 |
Shield |
Pilot | Mech |
Raven 3, Sara Mayer | X-1 “Buccaneer” |
Weapons | Equipment |
Machine Gun AC-3 Rockets MRL-4< |
Shield |

A: Destroy the power plant
B: Sweep the storage units
C: Capture the R&D facility
Threat 1, Intensity 1
Deploying with reasonable intel
1 secondary defense turret identified
Turn 1

The strike team moves into the storage facility, discovering Sparrow mechs armed with Beam FP-1 weapons. The defense turret is destroyed and Sparrow swarms are engaged.
Turn 2

Further Sparrow mechs emerge from the south as the team continues to engage around the storage units. HQ identifies an optional objective: retrieve a fuel cell from the power plant (S1).
Turn 3

As the strike team concludes their sweep of the storage units, early warning systems track a large buildup of enemy forces to the north, in addition to further units approaching from the south.
Turn 4

With the initial sweep concluded, Raven 1 advances on the power plant, while Ravens 2 and 3 consolidate their position around the storage facility. Hidden defenses open fire on Raven 3 but are swiftly destroyed.
Radar indicates one enemy patrol has adopted a guard formation near a commucations tower. Buildup of forces to the north continues.
Turn 5

Raven 1 continues his advance, but encounters further Sparrow mechs. Before he can seek cover, an elite Cobra mech emerges from behind the R&D facility and opens fire with its FP-4 machine gun. Raven 1’s shield and armor are shredded by the opposing force, and his scanner malfunctions under the weight of fire. The nearby Sparrows join in the barrage, a stray laser beam striking Raven 1’s target computer.
Raven 2 moves to intercept incoming Sparrow mechs from the south.
Raven 3 heads out into the open and is fired upon by Sparrow mechs position on top of a nearby building. As she engages, an elite Viper mech armed with an FP-3 machine gun comes into view; Raven 3 eliminates the overlooking Sparrows and readies for combat.
HQ identifies an additional optional objective: retrieve whatever package the forces to the north have been transporting (S2).
Turn 6

Raven 1 calls for a replacement shield from HQ, but the opposing force jams the signal and his request goes unanswered. Instead, his communications array picks up a request for reinforcements from one of the nearby Sparrow mechs. Raven 1 fires his beam weapon at the offending mech and runs for cover behind the power plant. Once out of sight, he sets an explosive charge near the reactor control unit.
Raven 2 closes in on the remaining Sparrows from the south, and finishes them off. As he heads to support Raven 3, another squadron of Sparrows emerges from the east and takes pursuit.
The Viper and Cobra mechs converge on Raven 3, opening fire with their machine guns. Raven 3’s shield and armor weather the barrage but are destroyed under the incoming fire, leaving her vulnerable to future attacks. She dodges around the nearby building to take cover, and encounters the nearby Sparrow patrol coming the other way. At close range, her machine guns make short work of the Sparrows.
Turn 7

Raven 3 calls for a repair team, and HQ dispatches drones to replace her ablative armour plates.
Explosives set, Raven 1 launches onto the main reactor at the plant and retrieves a power cell. From his vantage point, he snipes the remaining Sparrow mech with his beam weapon, clearing Raven 3’s path to the R&D facility.
The enemy Viper rounds the building and opens fire on Raven 3’s repair drones, blasting away one of the replacement plates.
With her objective in sight and weathering heavy fire, Raven 3 power-slides over to the access terminal and uploads a spike into the system. As her onboard computer downloads the target files, her radar identifies a second Cobra approaching from the north, accompanied by a wing of Sparrows. Whatever is in that package, the enemy doesn’t want Raven Squadran to have it!
Raven 2 heads up the central corridor, laying down fire on the pursuing Sparrows and eyeing the Viper mech to his front. Before he can engage, the skyline lights up as the explosives at the power plant detonate, and a message from HQ blinks across all three pilot’s screens: objectives complete, disengage and head for extraction.

A: Destroy the power plant complete
B: Sweep the storage units complete
C: Capture the R&D facility complete
S1: Retrieve the fuel cell complete (Kobe Okpara)S2: Retrieve the package failed
Kobe Okpara: 8x Swarm
Marcel Giroux: 1x Defense, 8x Swarm
Sara Mayer: 1x Defense, 8x Swarm
Kobe Okpara: 1 XP (advance to Level 1)
Marcel Giroux: 1 XP (advance to Level 1)
Sara Mayer: 1 XP (advance to Level 1)
Kobe Okpara
+1 completed objective
+1 defeated an enemy
+1 retrieved the fuel cell
Total: (4+2)+3 = 9 (Favorible Mention)
Staff Progression:
Julija Kovaleva: 3 XP
Radha Bandi: 2 XP
William Vargas: 2 XP
Leon Stauss: 2 XP
Eshe Yar’Adua: 5 XP
Rebekka Werber: 6 XP
Mech Damage:
B-1 “Javelin” suffered computer damage
Social Encounters
Marcel Giroux and Shanta Lall meet in a private location. They share a few moments and go their seperate ways.
William Vargas and Eshe Yar’Adua meet in a private location. Things get heated, and the two are now Rivals.
Alain Lambert and Eshe Yar’Adua meet at a restaurant. Things get heated, and the two are now Rivals.